July 29th, 2020First teaser and big thank you

The first batch of moving images arrived! And because we think that The Beginning feels like a real Hollywood blockbuster, we made a first teaser for it - just like for a motion picture. Dim your lights and hit the play button - goosebumbs for sure. (Click the video above.)

Thank you! More than 1,000 board game players are already following us on Kickstarter and are eagerly waiting for the launch of the campaign.

Become a part of the GHOST squad and you will be informed at launch. If you click the green button, you'll immediately head over to Kickstarter.

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May 23rd, 2021Late pledge open! continue reading

January 25th, 2021We are live! continue reading

July 29th, 2020First teaser and big thank you continue reading

March 22nd, 2020Something big is coming continue reading

February 12th, 2020Cooperation with Lucky Duck Games continue reading

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